Category: General Commentary

Opinions, Commentaries and Editorials by Wayne Engle

A Christmas angel in the house

This Christmas story will, I hope, show that sometimes, during the magic of the Yuletide season, people at odds with one another due to religious doctrine or other factors, can learn to “love thy neighbor,” as the Bible directs. ——…


Does America need The Man With No Name?

Are there really such things as “guardian angels” — people, or “beings,” who suddenly appear, mysteriously, at just the right place and time, to save human beings who have become too timid and cowardly to save themselves? If you’ve ever…


There IS something we can do about it!

“There’s nothing we can do about it!” I think that’s one of the most contemptible sentences in the English language. And nowadays, we here it from everybody, starting with the politicians in Washington, the governors in our state capitals, our…


Madison, Indiana CAN come back!

Whither goest thou, Madison, Indiana, my hometown? You were the biggest city in Indiana in the 1850s; you were the pork-packing capital of the world.  The most-decorated American veteran of World War I was born near here, and lived here…
